Justin Richard Cain - Sitio Web Conmemorativo En Línea

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Justin Cain
Nacido enUnited States
30 years
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Árbol Genealógico
Dawn Shields
Wow! Jen just told me about this page. You know that i am always behind!!! The things that i miss most about you... there are too many to list! My favorite thing to do was when me and Jen would decide to go to the store, or well anywhere, you would never want to go so we learned that if we told you that we were just going to Paris, you would get in and when we got out of the driveway we would tell you where you were actually going, you would just laugh and say "i figured that"!! I miss going over to nanny's after i got the kids to sleep and you would talk to me and jen for a while then go to your room and shut the door, but that did not stop me and jen we would stand outside your door and knock and beg until you finally opened the door and let us in. I go outside at night to smoke sometimes and I look over at your bonfire spot... your chair is sitting there with your table and sometimes i can just see you sitting there with a cold one in your hands. I miss getting a call at night and hearing you say hey, i need you to come go somewhere with me.  I remember a couple nights before the accident you called me and asked me to come hang out with you that night, Justin I fully intended on coming but i fell asleep putting Alyssa to sleep and now i would give anything in the world to go back to that night and hang out with you till the sun came up.  I miss you giving me advice about matt and you telling me how he was not worthy of me. I miss your smile, i miss your laugh, and the crazy things you use to say. Thanks for the shoulder you always had when i needed it. "The hill" will never be the same without you. You could tell who was coming up the road by the sound of the vechile. Not a day goes by that i dont think of you and miss everything about you. Until I see you again, i love you and i miss you!!! FIKKA-FIKKA
Jennifer T. Bradley

Well....where do I start?  Let me see...your Mom, Kevin, Me, Colton, Madison, Sydney and Lenora and her family were all there fishing.  kevin and I started out catching a few but your Mom had to learn how to throw the rod and reel so she fell behind but NOT for long...she fished and fished until 2:30am and ended up catching more than anyone else I think....ha ha  She was hilarious.  Your dad called and we chatted with him about our "camping" trip.  Told him he had to come the next time he was home.  I think he is looking forward to coming out there.  As we sat on the dock and fished we told stories to Kevin about you....we laughed, cried and laughed some more.  You were the most comical person...if someone was feeling down all they had to do was talk to you and you would have them rolling with laughter.  I miss you so very much!!  I know you are in Heaven fishing just waiting on the rest of us to join you.  Keep the hook baited and the minnows ready...we will be there to sit by you and fish for all eternity.  I love you so much...Until we meet again....


Mama 4.19.09


We little knew that morning that God was going to call your name,

In life we loved you dearly, in death we do the same.

It broke our hearts to loose you, you did not go alone, for part of us

went with you,  the day God called you home.

You left us peaceful memories, your love is still our guide, and though we cannot see you, you are always at our side.

Our family chain is broken and  nothing seems the same,  but as God calls us one by one, the chain will link again.

Author unknown

Mama 4/12/09

 We had a memorial in honor of you yesterday with some friends and family at the cemetery. Your cousin Jennifer  was the main speaker. She shared some stories of you and her as kids growing up, like the time your Gerbel bit her finger and she slung him against the wall and you thought he was dead. You got so upset with her. She said you always had some kind of critter or animal and always was so excited to show them to her but she on the other hand was not as excited as you were about them. Ms. Tina spoke up and told the story of the night she and I rode around in Richard's truck with Abbie, Nikki and Crystal in the back. It was Halloween so we disquised ourselves with hats and used a Dustbuster as our noise maker while hanging out the window.  We also got stuck in Lynette Harris's front ditch as I was trying to turn the truck around that night. Chancey and you just happen to be driving by and had to help us get the truck out, ya were so embarrassed and told us to go home after that. She also talked about the times you and Chancey built those bombs for fireworks and placed them in the coverts, lit them and BOOM! It was so loud she just knew that someone would call the law. And lets not forget the time you and Chancey would always bring home a sack full of puppies that ya found at the dumpster. She remembers the time you and Chancey went fishng and took his big boom box. Ya both returned home with no fish and no boom box, when she asked where it was you replied "Ms. Tina this might not be a good time to mention the boom box and asked why not, because I placed it behind the truck and Chancey put the truck in reverse." She said she will never forget the look on your face and the way you told the story. She stills laughs about it til this day. Abbie came and brought Mamaw Dot with her. Michelle Jones and Ms. Cathy were there also, they each brought potted Peace Lilly's that were beautiful. Ms. Cathy talked about the time you and Chancey drugged a fake snake across the road with a string attached as ya stayed hidden in the ditch.  Every time a car would come by, they would stop and look at the snake slide across the rode. Her daycare parents told her about the big snake in her street. She called City Hall to report this and someone there made fun of her. It wasn't until years later that she found out that the snake wasn't real and who the pranksters were. As I looked around, I saw Michelle laughing so hard at Cathy. Jennifer spoke up again and wanted everyone there to know what a kind and big hearted person you were and that you would do anything for anybody if you could help. She said there were times your friends would call you to come and get them in the middle of the night and you would go get them. Trisha Clark agreed that you were a good person with a big heart. She commented that you were always willing to help out someone and that shows what kind of person you really were. Aunt Sharon and Aunt Jeanie were there also. They both had fond memories of you. Jennifer then read a sweet poem and Aunt Jeanie closed in prayer...her heart was full as she tried to talk. She loves you dearly. And now, we all let 30 balloons go into the air, some yellow, some green with messages written on them to you from us. HAPPY EASTER JUSTIN


Well son this is about to the hour that I saw you for the last time one year ago. I remember that day like it was yesterday and hope that I will always be able to remember it this well. We did a little work on your truck and talked about a lot of different things we planned on doing,I remember the main thing was that we hoped to go up in AR. later on in the summer on a camping and fishing trip,can't remember the place but you had been there before and said it was real nice,I like to think that we would have been able to make that trip,we probley would have not caught any fish cause you never had much luck fishing when you and I went,but you seemed to have good luck any other time you went. You were geting ready to head out to see some of your friends in oxford and cook something on the grill,you ask me several times if I wanted to go with you,I wish I would have stayed and went who knowes if I would have went what the outcome of that day would have been. I will always be sorry that I did not go because whatever the outcome it would have been alright because I would have been there, the memories of things that we did are with me every day. I remember us talking about your cousin jennifer a lot if you get the chance some time whisper I love you in her ear,she means so much to me and loved you very much.Well Justin I guess I will have to settle for that last hand shake,hug, big smile and  I love you that I remember on last April 11,08.Until later my son I love you.

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